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Hi, I'm Apurva

I design digital experiences balancing user goals and business needs in a seamless loop of engagement and value.

4 Years of Designing SaaS Products

Currently based in the USA, I am crafting end-to-end designs @Tenon 
with an MS in Human-Computer Interaction.

Case Studies 

Data Analytics Tool

Designing workflows for analyzing complex energy insights gathered from a manufacturing plant.

Client: Energy INsights

Coming Soon...

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Forget me Not 

Designing a digital data management tool for Alzheimer's caregivers at an adult day care center.

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Reimagining Golden Healthcare

A product-based service system design for elderly stroke patients, their family members, doctors, and caregivers. 


Capacity Building for Rural Artisans 

An App based service system designed for Indian rural artisans (tsunami survivors) for growth in knowledge systems and market exposure. (Done with the  NGO - Industree Foundation)

Gifting Smiles to Terminally ill Cancer Patients 

Research-based Service System designed to improve the end-of-life care of terminally ill cancer patients. 

Redesigning Vedak Website 

Website design to connect entrepreneurs and business consultants.
(Part of a 3-month internship with Indypay Technologies - Vedak ) 


Experience of Reporting and Receiving Reports 

Application experience design for students and facilitators for sharing school building maintenance issues.
(Part of Google summer internship design challenge received during the interview process) 

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Art'DHope Website Redesign

Website design for potential Art buyers. 
(Self - Initiated project) 

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